Teaching Bayesian analysis
Course materials

Setup: before the first tutorial

1. Familiarize yourself with the basics of Git and GitHub before the class starts, and create your own repository to ensure that your work is not lost.

Throughout the course we will be using version control so that you can access your work from any computer, as the data are stored in the cloud. It allows you to keep track of the changes you introduced, and revert them if you make a serious mistake. We will be using the most popular tool, which is GitHub.

Before the tutorial, create a new private repository (call it any way you like) for your use in the course. You will clone it and set up your initial project folder during the class.

If you are not familiar with Git and GitHub, please watch the following tutorials:


If git (the local software you need to use GitHub) is not available on your machine, follow these links to install it:


And if you prefer to read about creating a new repo:


2. We will be using the R programming language and the RStudio IDE in class, familiarize yourself with the basics of these before the first tutorial.

2.1 Watch these introductory tutorials:


2.2 If you plan to work on the course material from your own computer, please make sure to install R and RStudio before the first tutorial. The computers in the tutorial laboratory will already have them installed. Additionally, there are some additional packages and requirements that we will be using throughout the course. Instructions for their installation can be found HERE. If you are unsure about how to install these libraries at this point, don’t worry as we will go over it in class. However, if you are comfortable with it, feel free to use the instructions to install the libraries now.

2.3 Read Chapter Three of Kruschke’s book: download it here (you can omit the following sections: 3.2.1; 3.7.5; 3.7.6; 3.8; 3.9)

2.4 Practice is the best way to learn programming. To get started with R, we recommend using the swirl package to go through some basic practice exercises. This will help you become more comfortable with the language before the class begins. We suggest starting with the short course titled:

 1: R Programming: The basics of programming in R

On how to use swirl package see:


for installation and instructions (it’s best to type in the terminal at the bottom of Rstudio when using swirl).